Friday, 4 December 2009

Tai Chi, Chi Kung and Pregnancy by Jaclyn Snyders

"I've come across something I absolutely must share with the world,

I was one of the lucky few to not suffer much with morning sickness or worse during my first trimestre.

My theory is this:

It's not so much to do with luck, but Daily Tai Chi and Chi Kung assists pregnant women to remain balanced; during a time when there is so much hormonal change in the body affecting mind, body and spirit, increasing connection with one's chi and fostering it's development creates an internal space of peace and balance.

If I am balanced and at peace, the lil one growing inside of me is happy and benefits too - it's a no brainer, but seemingly not something that is suggested in any pregnancy-related books I've read so far!

Around weeks 5-7 of my pregnancy, after telling the father about the pregnancy, I was contemplating moving house and then actually did, due to his rather negative reaction to this gift of life. For a couple of days during this time, I lost my centre and didn't make time for my morning practice and guess what? Felt nausea all through the days that followed.

As soon as I re-started my practice, I kept the nausea and the underlying anxiety at bay. It took a few days of not doing my morning practice for the nausea to kick in, but it took just one 20min session for me to regain a sense of balance - how powerful is that! My practice sustained me for a few days of not-doing and when I re-started, the benefits were felt IMMEDIATELY! This stuff should be taught at schools or should be common knowledge.

My first step in getting it out there as much as possible is to share it with everyone I know. So please distribute to your mailing list/post on your blog/add to your website/start classes for pregnant women!! "