Friday, 20 August 2010

The Tai Chi Retreat and Summer Training camp

The Tai Chi Retreat and Summer Training camp: well, we all shared the weather - as you see from the clothes! ! It was kind for the sweat-lodge on the last evening and packing up on the final morning. Before that, whatever the weather-gods threw at us, everyone turned up to all the sessions, learned a lot and came out with some great skills, as well as new friends and a deepened practice. Plus a bonus: a sense of 'the English at play' if you know what I mean (and if not - think picnics in the rain, windswept beaches, stiff upper lips.) Afterwards our gracious host, Sue Hix at the Rosewell Centre, wrote 'Tea, cake and pancakes always taste better after a little hardship.'

Now we're looking forward to Andy Fretwell's Enlightenment Qigong at the weekend, followed by Healing NLP Practitioner training on Monday, (both indoors at the London Tao Centre!)